
School uniform is a common way of bringing all students together and show that we belong to the St. Mark’s community and are equal in school identity it unites us.

Therefore, all students are expected to wear the regulation uniform.

This uniform is expected to be worn both to, during and from school (including the listed footwear).  When travelling to and from school, students still represent the school and so the highest standards of uniform are required. Our regulation school uniform is only available from Koolskools. You can purchase it online https://www.koolskools4u.co.uk/product-category/st-marks-c-e-primary-school/ or in store at the branch in Shirley (SO15 3TS).

Primary Uniform:

 - St. Mark’s Logo Black Jumper* or St. Mark’s Logo Black Cardigan* (OR plain black jumper)

 - Grey Tailored Trousers or Tailored Shorts or Grey Skirt (appropriate for school including length)

 - Purple summer dress

 - White School polo shirt

 - Black, plain, sensible shoes or full black trainers. NO coloured threads or logos (wellingtons are allowed in wet weather/snow but must be changed when inside the school buildings)

* items only available from KoolSkools – all other items can be purchased elsewhere.

PE kit:

- Plain Black T-Shirt

- Plain Black Sports Jumper

- Plain Black Shorts (appropriate for school including length)

- Plain Black Sports Trousers or Sports Leggings

- Trainers

In PE lessons students are not allowed to wear watches or any wearable technology such as fitness trackers during PE lessons (or ever in school) and any other items deemed a safety hazard by the school including studs in pierced ear lobes will need to be removed. In circumstances where school acceptable plain studs in ear lobe piercings are unable to be removed, they must be covered with micropore tape for the lesson, and students need to bring in their own such tape and cover these themselves.  Valuables brought to school are done so at the student’s own risk, the school are not liable to any loss or damage for such items.

All items of uniform and PE kit should be clearly labelled with the students’ name.

Head Coverings

For those students who, for religious reasons, wish to cover their heads in school, the head covering should be plain black and worn without any decoration and secured appropriately. If parents/carers feel there is a need for their child to wear anything other than the full uniform, they are to contact the Executive Headteacher to discuss this further.


  • A wristwatch may be worn at the owner’s risk. No smart watches are allowed.
  • Small (size of the piercing), round, plain (single material) studs (gold, silver, pearl coloured) - one per ear lobe, may be worn for those with pierced ears.
  • No other piercings are permitted. Retainers or clear jewellery are not permitted under any circumstances and piercings are not to be covered by plasters.
  • No rings, including signet rings.
  • Acrylic/false nails, nail varnish, false lashes and any make up are not permitted.
  • No other jewellery is permitted.


Hair should be kept neat and tidy – extreme styles, lengths and unnatural colours for children are NOT permitted.

  • Hair extensions are not permitted
  • No patterns or tramlines should be shaved into the hair or eyebrows
  • Hair should not be shaved below a grade one
  • No undercuts
  • Students with long hair should have hair ties in school for when hair needs to be tied back, which should be, black or natural colour.
  • No other hair accessories are allowed.


Sometimes students want to bring other items onto the school site. We do not advise that expensive items are brought to school as our insurance does not cover these items.  Valuables brought to school are done so at the student’s own risk, the school are not liable to any loss or damage for such items even if confiscated.

Examples of items that are not required in school include:

  • Energy drinks
  • Expensive headphones
  • Gaming devices, tablets, smart watches, e-books etc
  • Phones and accessories
  • Make up and jewellery that is not allowed
  • Perfumes and body sprays

Examples of items that are likely to be confiscated and not returned include:

  • Banned items (see behaviour policy via our website)
  • Chewing gum
  • Energy drinks (only water is allowed in lesson times)
  • Hot drinks and hot food (not bought in the canteen)
  • Drinks bottles being misused e.g. pierced caps to spray or throw water



Secondary School Uniform Rules

School uniform is a common way of bringing all students together and show that we belong to the St. Mark’s community and are equal in school identity it unites us.

Therefore, all students are expected to wear the regulation uniform.

This uniform is expected to be worn both to, during and from school (including the listed footwear).  When travelling to and from school, students still represent the school and so the highest standards of uniform are required. Our regulation school uniform is only available from Koolskools. You can purchase it online https://www.koolskools4u.co.uk/product-category/st-marks-ce-school/  or in store at the branch in Shirley (SO15 3TS).

School uniform is as follows:

  • Grey Blazer with St. Mark’s Logo

  • White Closed Collared School Shirt (with a tie, buttoned up & tucked in) or White School Blouse (without a tie & tucked in)

  • School Tie* (if wearing a closed collar shirt)

  • Black Tailored Trousers* or Black Pleated Skirt [minimum length to the knee, no longer than mid-calf]* or Black Tailored Shorts [length to the knee]*

  • Black, plain, sensible shoes or full black trainers. No coloured threads or logos

  • Socks are to be plain black or white; plain black or white knee-length; or plain black or white ankle socks

  • Plain black opaque tights are allowed.

  • Plain, black, simple buckle belts may be worn, no logos.

  • A V-neck plain black school jumper is optional

  • Outdoor coats may be worn to and from school but are not to be worn in the school building and should be kept in a school bag or locker.

 * these must not be tight fitting, leggings, cycling shorts, jeans or jogging bottoms

For those students who, for religious reasons, wish to cover their heads in school, the head covering should be plain black or white and worn without any decoration and secured appropriately. If parents feel there is a need for their child to wear anything other than the full uniform, they are to contact the Executive Headteacher to discuss this further.

Any aspect of the school uniform should be worn correctly for its purpose and adhere to health and safety. For example, a school tie should be worn to your waist band or belt.


Students are expected always to have their PE kit on the appropriate days and be changed in lessons unless under extreme circumstances, agreed in advance by their PE teacher. 

If a student is excused from PE for any reason (due to illness or injury), a note should be given to their teacher, explaining the reason.  If this is likely to be long-term, then medical evidence may be requested.  They should still get changed and join in with the lesson in a capacity that is safe and healthy to do.  This could include roles such as coach, umpire, official or performing skills which do not cause further injury.  This will ensure that students still feel part of the class community and are then able to join in more easily when they are fully fit.

The health and safety of all participants is at the heart of our decision-making and students will be expected to follow the reasonable requests of staff.

Our regulation PE kit is only available from Koolskools. You can purchase it online https://www.koolskools4u.co.uk/product-category/st-marks-ce-school/ or in store at the branch in Shirley (SO15 3TS).

  • Black sports top with St. Mark’s Logo

  • Black sports jumper with St. Mark’s Logo (or plain black sports jumper)

  • Black shorts with St. Mark’s Logo (or plain black sports shorts*)

  • Trainers

  • Black trousers with St. Mark’s Logo (or plain black sports trousers or sports leggings)

*sports shorts should appropriate for school including length.

All items of PE kit should be clearly labelled with the students’ name.

In PE lessons students are not allowed to wear watches or any wearable technology such as fitness trackers during PE lessons (or ever in school) and any other items deemed a safety hazard by the school including studs in pierced ear lobes will need to be removed. In circumstances where school acceptable plain studs in ear lobe piercings are unable to be removed, they must be covered with micropore tape for the lesson, and students need to bring in their own such tape and cover these themselves.  Valuables brought to school are done so at the student’s own risk, the school are not liable to any loss or damage for such items.


  • A wristwatch may be worn at the owner’s risk. No smart watches are allowed.

  • Small (size of the piercing), round, plain (single material) studs (gold, silver, pearl coloured) - one per ear lobe, may be worn for those with pierced ears.

  • No other piercings are permitted. Retainers or clear jewellery are not permitted under any circumstances and piercings are not to be covered by plasters.

  • No rings, including signet rings.

  • Acrylic/false nails, nail varnish, false lashes and any make up are not permitted.

  • No other jewellery is permitted.


Hair should be kept neat and tidy – extreme styles, lengths and unnatural colours for children are NOT permitted.

  • Hair extensions are not permitted

  • No patterns or tramlines should be shaved into the hair or eyebrows

  • Hair should not be shaved below a grade one

  • No undercuts

  • Students with long hair should have hair ties in school for when hair needs to be tied back, which should be, black or natural colour.

  • No other hair accessories are allowed.


Sometimes students want to bring other items onto the school site. We do not advise that expensive items are brought to school as our insurance does not cover these items.  Valuables brought to school are done so at the student’s own risk, the school are not liable to any loss or damage for such items even if confiscated.

Examples of items that are not required in school include:

  • Energy drinks
  • Expensive headphones
  • Gaming devices, tablets, smart watches, e-books etc
  • Phones and accessories
  • Make up and jewellery that is not allowed
  • Perfumes and body sprays

Examples of items that are likely to be confiscated and not returned include:

  • Banned items (see behaviour policy via our website)
  • Chewing gum
  • Energy drinks (only water is allowed in lesson times)
  • Hot drinks and hot food (not bought in the canteen)
  • Drinks bottles being misused e.g. pierced caps to spray or throw water